This week was really exhausting. I lost mucous plug tuesday night and wednesday morning. By tuesday afternoon I started having really strong non BH contractions. about 15 minutes apart. Wed they moved to 10 minutes apart so I though maybe this is it. Thursday and Friday were the same. We actually went to the hospital Saturady around 330am or 4am because I was have contractions 5 minutes apart. I 'm still having them 5 minutes apart. I just figured out this morning that this is prelabor just getting my body ready NOT the real thing and can go on for sometime before we meet the baby. So I just need to rest and not get all excited. Dh and I are somewhat sad for this young girl that came into observation while we were there in another room. dh said she looks really young and out of it. Was accompanied by her parents. She came in screaming and moaning and just did not look right. We overheard her mother say she just started having excrutiating pain about 5-10 mintues before she was brought in by ambulance and began bleeding in the ambulance. Things moved pretty fast. There was an emergency nurses and doctors came from everywhere. Stat ultasound revealed no heartbeat her baby had bled out. And her uterus had filled with blood and they needed to do an emergency csection to save her life. With in 5 minutes they had rolled her out to surgery. Dh and I prayed for her and her family. Our heart sunk from the aweful scream she had once finding out her 34 week gestation baby had died and there was nothing that could be done for the baby but they needed to now try to save mom. After losing Morgen last year I have very recent empathy for the young mom. Also being a nurse I know she may never be able to have children if they had to perform a hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. She'd be alive but she'd feel dead inside. Losing her baby and chance to ever have more. I felt grateful this year to be pregnant like A second chance at life even though I can never replace the baby I lost. Little Noah will help ease the pain of my broken heart. The young mommy just turned 16 in March. It felt weird because dh and I daughters will be 14 in a few short weeks. So we felt parent pain and just weird like so close. I can't explain but we talked and prayed for an hour. I was so sad and ready to go home after that. I still want to know if the young girl made it through surgery she looked really really close to death. Like she was bleeding to death. We are still praying for her.