Samuel,Jesse and Noah

Samuel,Jesse and  Noah
Three Little Partners

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I had a follow up ultrasound today.
They said the subchorionic hemorrhage (SCH) is significantly larger [There is more blood between the chorionic sac and the amniotic sac. ]The second baby is complete unseen now. They believe not there anymore. The first baby still appears strong and growing well.
They don't seem too concerned. I am to not lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk.
Pelvic rest,No vacuuming,sweeping,laundry baskets,or anything strenuous.{Sounds like bedrest to me.}
But he said he was unsure if bedrest would help or not. I am to return for pain or bleeding. I return for an appointment in 2 weeks on Nov 7th at 3pm.
but so far no ultrasound is scheduled for that day. I am to see the perinatologist for a level III ultrasound and a genetic counselor in 6 weeks. I will probably see my regular doctor every 2 weeks unless I have complications or complete healing of the SCH. I'm told if it completely resolves by 20 weeks,I may deliver fullterm. If it doesn't
I can still deliver a healthy preemie. Pre-term labor is caused by this condition. Sometimes it can be stopped and most times it can only be delayed.


John said...

ok, you should have tried reformed blogs.

Angie said...


John said...

That was in reference to getting a blog at reformedblogs Angie.

Angie said...

Reformed blogs doesn't allow you to make a new blog.